If you have been touched by the origami virus, you can become a member. This page will give you more information.
Becoming a member of the OSN
The membership of the OSN includes at least 4 Orison magazines per year. If you like to know more about the Orison, please check the information page.
Subscription is always by calendar year and is automatically renewed unless you explicitly cancel your subscription (see below). The membership fees for one year are (1 January 2022):
Location | Fee |
European Union | € 39,50 per year |
outside European Union | € 51,50 per year |
Digital | € 20,00 per year |
If you live in the Netherlands, please subscribe through the Dutch pages.
Please contact our Members Secretary for more information.
Subscription new members
If you are a new member, please send your personal details to our members [at] origami-osn.nl (Members Office) and pay the correct amount either through PayPal or by international bank transfer.
Subscription renewals
If you want to renew your subscription, please choose the correct PayPal button or pay by international bank transfer.
Other ways of payment
Payment by International Money Order
It is no longer possible to pay by international money order, due to increase costs. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Payment by International Bank Transfer
Residents of most EU countries
(Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus (Greek part), Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Czechia and Sweden)
can pay through an international bank transfer using the following IBAN and BIC codes.
IBAN: NL65 INGB 0002128000
Please mark the transfer as SHA (shared costs), which means that the bank costs are waived.
Before you choose this kind of payment, please confirm with your bank that there are really no bank costs. The OSN cannot be held responsible for any costs that follow this payment.
Use the amount given above.
Bank address:
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Bank transfer costs
We cannot accept bank transfer costs. Residents of other countries can only use the international bank transfer if they either accept the costs themselves (use OUR) or can confirm that the bank waives the costs if SHA is checked.
We will look into this and keep you informed.
You can only cancel your membership or subscription by mail. Your request has to be received by the Members Secretary before the 1st of December. You will receive a confirmation letter. Without this letter no claims are possible.